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Help! Travelled to Rome - Baggage delayed - items stolen from checked bag

Hi - I just got back to the US. On my trip to Rome - my bag was delayed and arrived 2 days after I did. There were items stolen from my bag. I don’t know if the items were stolen in the US or Italy. The airline and trip insurance are requiring a police report. In this case, since I don’t know where the items were stolen - where should I file a police report - my home state ( where I departed), New York (transfer point for flight over seas) or Rome?

Thanks in advance!

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7203 posts

Normally when your bag doesn't show up where your flight ends you would file a report with that airport's lost baggage dept. That's what happened to me although it did show up in two days (went to Athens instead of Rome) but nothing was missing. I'm not sure about a police report for stolen items. My instinct would say with the arrival airport where the bag was first noticed as missing, in your case Rome.

Posted by
8415 posts

I think the typical expectation is that you contacted the Police (Edit: and the Airline) on discovery of the missing items. So that would indicate that you should have done that when your bags arrived in Rome. To be honest, I am not even sure the Roman Police would file a report even if asked, but maybe others have different experiences. For sure, I do not think you will have luck doing a theft report in Rome from here in the States.

I suppose that means you could ask your local Police, but even that may be unlikely, but if they would, at least you have something to turn in.

I guess another way to look at it is how much was your loss? If it was low to moderate, then maybe just chalk it up to a bad experience. I guess the lesson learned is to be clear on your coverage, understand what to do if you have an incident, and report it as soon as possible.

Posted by
28899 posts

I have often heard--but have no idea whether it's true--that filing a claim for a loss like this can result in higher insurance premiums in the future. If your loss was a modest one (after subtracting the deductible), it may not be worth filing an insurance claim.

Posted by
23755 posts

I am not sure I am tracking this properly. When did you notice the items were missing? What exactly? If in Rome that is where you should have filed the police report AND reported to the airline. It is more of a formality than a recovery attempt. Just makes it appear that it is more likely that the items were stolen rather than something you make up after you return. If you are home, there is little you can do so cross it off to a travel experience.

Not sure why it would increase future premiums unless you are filing with your homeowners insurance. If it is a travel insurance policy, it should not make any difference.

Local police are going to take a report that is outside of their jurisdiction. That makes no sense.

Posted by
28899 posts

Good point. I was assuming homeowner's insurance. I have never considered travel insurance for lost/stolen possessions since I don't take valuable stuff with me.

Posted by
3112 posts

Check the terms of your travel insurance policy to see if a police report is required to file a claim. While they would naturally ask for one as proof that a theft occured, it may or may not be an actual requirement.

Posted by
4657 posts

This reads that you were going TO Rome when luggage was delayed and only claiming it now that you are back. That is going to be a tough claim to prove if it has moved all over your itinerary and never mentioned until now.
I am curious. Was your luggage locked? I ask, because despite the videos that should how to open a locked suitcase, I don't read many cases where items are actually stolen.
Regardless, I wish you luck and hope the items weren't sentimental.

Posted by
4535 posts

There are a few things here that would need more information/clarification. You say the airline AND trip insurance are requiring a police report. Who are you filing a claim with and for what? The airline should have primary responsibility here. They lost your luggage and it arrived sans items of value. When did you notice the missing items? Did you report that to the airline on delivery of the luggage and/or immediately thereafter? Are you filing with trip insurance because the airline is balking at reimbursement? Was the value of the lost items sufficient for all of your time and effort?

If a police report is required, it would seem you needed one from the local police where you discovered the missing items. You could have tried at the airport (most airports will have a police center), but of course you may not have been at the airport when you got your bags back. Getting a report would have been a huge hassle, especially since it was two days after the start of your trip.

While it is typical to advise never to pack valuable items in checked luggage, there can be cases where it is unavoidable. If you do have to check items of particular value, you should make a record of that and immediately inform the airline if it goes missing.

I would say to continue working and filing a claim with the airline. But if you didn't follow their procedures on lost luggage/missing items, you may not have much luck after the fact. I know that is a bit harsh considering you were on your trip and already had a 2 day delay of your luggage, but they also have to protect themselves against fraud.

I do hope whatever was lost wasn't of high value or "irreplaceable."

Posted by
56 posts

I’ve submitted the claims to my travel insurance company. The CSR didn’t mention a need for a police report.
Side note... I didn’t have luggage locks on my luggage b/c I felt that if TSA wanted inside the bag they would just break the locks which would have been a waste of money (associated with purchasing the locks) - lesson learned.

Posted by
4657 posts

Good luck with the claim.
Almost every luggage lock made now is TSA accessable. Get the small ones with a 3 digit combo. At the store, look at the bottom. There is a little hole for a TSA key. I have travelled the globe with these and have had them opened, luggage checked and relocked with never a broken lock. They often leave a note inside stating it has been opened and searched. Never in my travels have I experienced theft. I even lock my carry on luggage as I travel solo. It means I need to be organized with what I want at my seat, but those go into a smaller bag and I have peace of mind no one is rummaging in my suitcase while I am in the toilet or asleep.

Posted by
2581 posts

I would suggest filing a claim with the airline as well. My husband had an item stolen from his luggage on an international business trip and, although it is against the airline policy to pay such claims, his was. This was a number of years ago but it is worth a shot.

Posted by
23755 posts

Personally think TSA locks are a waste of money. First only good for US travel and given how common the key is I would think any good thief would have copy of the key. You are correct, if you have regular locks and TSA wants access and they want access they will cut off the lock. We use plastic wire ties. Our experience is that the TSA will cut off the plastic tie but will replace with a tie of their own generally orange. The whole purpose of the wire tie is to keep all the zippers closed so no accidental opening and to offer some deterrence to a quick hit. I read recently that baggage theft by baggage handlers, especially the TSA inspectors, is vastly over blown because those areas now are covered by vast network of camera that make it difficult for anyone to remove items undetected. It probably can still happen but it is fairly rare.

Posted by
4657 posts

@Frank, though I agree that for some regs, TSA is US-centric (TSA approved zip clear vinyl pouchs vs airport issue liquids bags), the locks are a globally recognized item. I have had luggage opened in Ecuador and Canada (multiple times and different airports) and the locks have not been broken. Though every airport may not have the key, many do and for $7, I would rather have a lock than a zip tie I can't open because my scizzors or clippers have been confiscated.

Posted by
3731 posts

Have traveled extensively to quite a few countries, and have only once had luggage opened.
It was in the US, and nothing was missing.
I doubt that the stolen items were taken in Italy, as in 13 visits to there I perceive it to be a very honest country.
I think the OP will get results from her travel insurance company only.
BTW; I don't use padlocks, I always use zip/cable ties.