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Help me decide between: Majorca or Sardinia!

Hello all!

I'm currently living in Barcelona for a work program for two months. I have 6 days at the end to do as I please, the first week of August, and I will be a female, solo traveler. I'm leaning towards a simple, relaxing beach vacation vibe. I am fairly low maintenance and low budget. I enjoy the outdoors, but my suitcase is mostly workwear, with a pair of sandals and running shoes.

I live for food, but it doesn't need to be fancy. I love architecture and art, but I've also got plenty of my weekends traveling to museums here in mainland Spain.

So far it seems Majorca is more lux, but also might be more accessible.

Any opinions on where I should go? I'll be flying out of Barcelona to go back home.

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4578 posts

My only travel rule is to make the most if my time, and in your case, that would be Majorca, since it will be more convenient from Barcelona.
Sardinia has its upscale element too, it’s just much larger—and a car might be needed. So it’s all about location.

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3202 posts

I’ve not been to Majorca but have visited and loved Sardinia. August is high $ea$on in Sardinia so it will be expensive. Public transportation is limited and I found a car rental to be a necessity.

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1138 posts

I think Majorca will be better without a car. When I priced up going to Sardinia it was very expensive. Majorca will be cheaper although both will cost a lot in August as it’s the height of the season.

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6 posts

Thanks all!

I keep forgetting what August will mean in terms of peak season. Also how much larger Sardinia is than Majorca: a car would be a must.

Still very open to any and all suggestions!

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15438 posts

Sardinia=New Hampshire PLUS Rhode Island
Mallorca=Rhode Island only

Basically Sardinia is over six times the size of Mallorca.

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4578 posts

With six days, you'll have to be selective either way. You could compare the flight times (and also ferry times for Majorca) and see what works out better for you. I'd also delve into locations to see if you could accomplish what you are after easily without a car.
I'd still lean toward keeping it simple, but if say you had Sardinia high on your wish list and won't be back anytime soon, maybe you'd go for it.