Had to change plans vecause of conflict in Israel and are now headed to Italy. (leave in less than 2 weeks)
We have four kids (13,11,8,6).
We have 11 days in Italy including the arrival and departure days. We get into Venice at 11am and fly
out of Rome at 6pm. Our first two nights are in Venice and our last three nights are in Rome. I tried
to legthen those stays but the VBRO apartments I already rented but they did not have availability. I was in a hurry to
secure accomodations and went with my initial attempt at an itinerary - I now know better but it is too late.
Since I have been warned about the horrible crowds in both Venice and Rome we thought it would be good to get
out and away for a few days. We are considering the Dolomites. I found accomodations for 3 nights near Ortesei.
My husband would like to visit Pompeii before heading to Rome. I've thought about doing something like this.
(We are all taking carry-on backpacks only). Any suggestions or help with transportation logistics would be appreciated.
Day 1: Venice @11am; sleep Venice
Day 2: Venice ; sleep Venice
Day 3: travel to Ortesei; sleep in Ortesei
Day 4: hike dolomites; sleep in Ortesei
Day 5: hike dolomites; sleep in Ortesei
Day 6: travel to somewhere?
Day 7: travel to pompei; sleep pompei ??? just a thought -nothing reserved
Day 8; visit Pompeii; sleep in Rome
Day 9: Rome; sleep in Rome
Day 10: Rome; sleep in Rome
Day 11: leave Rome at 6pm
Can we do this with public transportation? Car rentals are looking expensive and we don't know much about driving in Italy.
Not sure what to do with Day 6, I'd like to stop in a town along the route from Verona to Pompeii but don't know if that is just
too crazy. I haven't had too much learn about Italy and process all of this. Thank you for your help!