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Help flying from pacific zone (CA)To Italy direct overnight leave at night and arrive at night....


This is our first trip overseas from los angeles CA to Rome Italy. The flight is on norwegian, we leave at night and get there the next day at night how so we handle the jet lag in this case. I am traveling with an 8 year old as well. I would like to get acclimated fast. What do you suggest. I know most fly to east coast then on to italy but that is not our case.

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63 posts

When exactly do you land in Rome? When I traveled to Italy last we left around 8pm PST and landed around 6:30pm in Italy. We flew from Las Vegas and had a connecting flight so our flight door to door was probably longer than yours. When we arrived we walked around Florence for a while which was nice because the crowds had died down. Then we went out to a dinner on the later side, and then went to bed. Woke up bright and early the next morning and did a walking tour with a private guide for the first half of the day. I found that we were tired but getting out and moving around was a good way to combat the fatigue. I would probably do the same thing again, even with an 8 year old. Just try to get as much sleep as possible on your flight and hit the ground running!

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10 posts


So our flights are:

03 Apr 2020
22:00 Los Angeles (10pm)
18:50 Rome-Fiumicino (6:50pm)

It seems odd.

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2739 posts

No it’s not odd. Italy is 9 hours ahead of the US West Coast. Sleep on the plane. Check into your hotel, take a shower. Walk around a bit, have a late dinner (with the Romans, about 9-10). Back to the hotel, snooze, you’ll be fine the next day.

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63 posts

Alan and I seem to agree. The flights worked out great for us and you will be fine. Enough time to walk around a bit before a late dinner and bed. Enjoy!

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1326 posts

I find that if I can fly from the west coast starting later in the day it helps a lot with jet lag.
I can more easily stay awake, go to bed at a reasonable time (after 9pm or so) and then be pretty good that next morning.
I might hit a wall about 7pm that next evening (after the first full day) but again, I'll push through until about 9pm and then I'm in great shape going forward.
I'm sure that your 8 year old will sleep on the plane, and I hope that you can also, if only for a little while.
In April I have a flight scheduled from SFO to Paris on Norwegian that leaves at 9pm. I can almost never sleep on a plane but I have my fingers crossed that this time t will be different!
Enjoy your trip. And maybe get your 8 year old an inexpensive camera to capture his/her own memories.

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2768 posts

That’s actually better (IMO) than what we get from the east coast. Usually our flights leave around dinner time to later evening eastern time and arrive in the morning to early afternoon Italy time. Meaning we have to stay up many hours to follow the advice of “go to sleep at a normal local bedtime”. Also often our rooms aren’t ready so we can’t check in first thing.

So for you - go to your hotel, check in, clean up, go for a walk and snack or dinner, and then go to bed. Ideally you wake up mostly adjusted!

Posted by
226 posts

Congrats on making your first overseas flight (from I assume LAX to FCO) a nonstop one. I am in the camp that whenever possible I prefer to reduce the number of flights/takeoffs/touchdowns/airports on my journey to Europe. To help me be as comfortable as possible onboard and have the best chance to accumulate at least some sleep during, I opt for an appropriate travel wardrobe (but no, I do not wear pjs; think forgiving fabrics/waistbands/slip on shoes/nothing restrictive or complicated) and have with me a well curated personal bag with all of what I consider necessary: back-up travel paperwork (I use the airline's app for tickets/itinerary, have accommodation info/site reservations on my phone) entertainment digital and otherwise, food, OTC sleep aid -- I like/have success with TylenolPM or equivalent, spare undies, toiletry bag and disinfectant wipes. Giving a fresh swipe with a cleaning wipe on chair back, arm rests, tray table gives me peace of mind and starts my settling in process. During the flight I push my water intake (needing to use the facilities is good for stretching stiff body parts) and avoid sugar and caffeine. Sometimes I travel with a small pillow or will utilize a sweater or pashmina type scarf for support and/or warmth. I use my own earbud headphones and have not used an eye mask though I know some people need the complete darkness for any sleep to come. I lower my expectations for good, restful or plentiful sleep and gladly take the short snoozes if that is how they happen when I'm up in the air. Upon arrival I choose to stay up and moving, try to eat a meal timed when the locals would take a meal, and make going to bed as late as I can. I won't have an early morning start activity planned for my first full day, preferring a leisurely awakening/getting ready/having breakfast. I can imagine, planning on what works best for your youngster will be critical and packing along patience and a slow and steady wins the race attitude probably helps a great deal. Have a great trip!!

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10 posts

Thank you all for your replies. I am sorry I did not reply sooner. I broke my finger and therefore making my typing an absolute nightmare. It is close to healing now so I thought I would just hop on and say thank you. I will take the advice to stay up and eat later dinner like the romans and try to go to bed when they do.