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Help finding shop address or phone for shop on rialto Bridge

Traveling in Venice I bought a necklace and earrings at Le Perle on the Rialto Bridge in Venice. Of course, waring the earrings for the first time, I lost one and would like to have it replaced. I have search the web but did not find any web page nor address/phone for it. any help greatly appreciated. The are located near the top of the bridge, on the Left side as you walk down it toward the Dumo.

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Could this be the place?

789, S. Marco, Venezia, VE 30124, Italy? -

041 5286516?

There are several Le Perles that show up on Google Maps, but that one seems to be the one that fits your description best.

There is another shop with the same name a bit further southwest, near the Hard Rock Cafe. Their phone number is 041 5285614?. (You'll need to add the international & country codes if calling from the U.S.)

Hope that helps.