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Has Eating Europe tours gone out of business?

They used to be Eating Italy tours. I booked the Travestere Twilight Tour and am now cancelling everything. My emails to them kick back and are undelivered. I called and they say to contact them through the email. I went to their FB page and left a message, same response.

Their website won’t pull up.

Grr....makes me so mad. Thankfully I just had one tour with them, but for 4 people. Anybody having issues?

I also put through my cancellation refund request for my 5 Walks of Italy tours. It sounds like they get back with you a week before your first scheduled tour, and that’s 3 months away. If I just get a voucher, I’ll be ok with that I guess. We are planning on going exactly a year later so would book the same thing.

The fear is they go bankrupt of course.

Posted by
6636 posts

Lulu, we heard from them about a month ago, arranging vouchers to cover the cost of our cancelled Twilight Testaccio tour. I sure hope they're still around. We were looking forward to the tour, and were planning on cashing in our voucher next year.

Posted by
1076 posts

Jane, will you see if you can get an email through or pull up their website page? We took this tour 5 years ago and just loved it. We were really looking forward to taking our sons.

Posted by
2739 posts

I’m in the same boat. I cancelled our refundable Florence tour months ago and got a verbose e-mail the sum of which was we will send you the money when we are up and running again. I emailed back about their stated refund policy again asking for my money. Got another version of their first reply. I’m considering it money lost. We’ve done several tours with them and really enjoyed. I fear they are no longer a going concern, the website is indeed down.

Posted by
6636 posts

Lulu, I wasn't able to pull up their website, but I'll try emailing them.

Posted by
16867 posts

While the website wouldn't come up for me either, it looks like they're still posting to their FB page. Although there's nothing in it regarding refunds or upcoming tours, it's interesting that they are looking for digital marketing interns for this summer to "help our meteoric return to food tour greatness in a post-lockdown world." Seems to indicate that they've not completely gone under? Maybe they're revamping their website/team/business to reflect a changing situation?

Posted by
1076 posts

Thanks Kathy, I was returning to state the same info. I had posted on TA and someone told me the same. They said that often places will go “dark” and the Vatican even did that. They really should put something on their webpage and auto reply to emails, but oh well.

Thanks for trying from your end, Jane.

Posted by
16867 posts

Wishing you luck getting everything sorted sometime down the road , Lulu, Alan and Jane! 🤞
We haven't taken one of their tours but I've read many glowing reports about them so very much hope they survive.

Posted by
606 posts

I've had the same experience as Alan. Though I hope to get my money back, or even take a tour with them in the future, I am thinking at this point that it is money lost. I also had a tour with Walks and they said they would refund a few weeks before the date of the tour - ha, ha, in September. They've had my money since last December. That is undoubtedly lost too. Just like you, I can't pull up their website either.

Posted by
1076 posts

I have 5 tours paid for with Walks of Italy, to the tune of $1,600. I sure hope they don’t go bankrupt, then start up business as another entity. That’s why I’d rather have my money, than a voucher. I paid in January for a September visit.

Posted by
1345 posts

Interesting. From the Facebook posts, it looks like perhaps the owner knows how to post to Facebook but that’s the end of her/his technical knowledge. So it looks like they’re trying to get someone tech savvy to get the website up and running again as well as handle the email server.

So, I wouldn’t abandon all hope. A dark Facebook would be a much more ominous sign.

Posted by
172 posts

Had “Pristine Sistine” scheduled through “Walks of Italy” for this Thursday. Sent a cancellation e-mail to them last month which they acknowledged. However, last week I received an e-mail from them with their “solution”; a voucher good for three years.

Best I could hope for under the circumstances. Hope they’re still around so I can actually use it.

Posted by
2778 posts

A website isn't free, posting on FaceBook is.
I can understand dropping the website if you have little or no money coming in during the current situation.

Posted by
4 posts

I received an email from them on March 17, 2020 regarding our canceled trip that was scheduled for March 23 - 31, 2020. In lieu of a refund, I accepted a "flexipass", which is a voucher for the original cost of the Twilight Trastavere tour, plus an additional 50% in value added as a perk for accepting the voucher. There is no expiration date for use of the voucher. If you haven't tried calling, here is a number provided for calling from North America: (215) 688-5571. I sure hope they are still in business!

Posted by
11811 posts

Write Elizabeth@ Elizabeth as she used to include them in her EAT ROME app. They are not there now. We had a wonderful food tour with them over New Years after seeing them listed in Elizabeth’s app.

Posted by
1076 posts

I just saw an update on their FB page. Maybe all our chatter? Their webpage is undergoing maintenance and will be back shortly. Contact them at [email protected]

Posted by
2739 posts

Just got a follow up email From Eating Europe telling us no refund will be forthcoming. Offered the voucher but for us 70 year olds that is likely worthless. I’ll let my credit card company deal with it.

Posted by
6636 posts

Lulu, I sent them an email, but haven't heard back yet. I just sent a "too bad we can't make it this year; we'll see you next year" note, figuring that would make it obvious I wasn't going to ask for a refund.

And these 70+ folks are planning on trying again next year!

Posted by
1076 posts

Hi Jane, they said they’d get back with me. As long as they (and Walks with Italy), remain a going concern, I’m fine with vouchers. I’ve cancelled my hotels and reserved for the exact same time next year. Having the tours paid for and rescheduled just makes my postponed trip real. All I need to do is add the airfare at some point (and get vaccinated!)

Posted by
6636 posts

Lulu, I just got this response:

Dear Jane ​ Thank you for checking in! We are in the process of
restarting operations and are hopeful considering the restrictions of
the lockdown here in Italy have been lifted one after the other. ​We
very much look forward to meeting you next year! The credit voucher
issued never expires and it is valid across all cities where we
operate in Italy and Europe. We hope you are safe and well and if you
have any questions in the meantime do not hesitate to contact us and
we will be happy to help!

Kind regards,


Eating Europe Customer Service Representative

Hope this encouraging news helps!