There is a strong possibility I might have to cancel our September trip due to my father's illness. We just won't know until it is closer to leaving. Thankfully I purchased Travel Guard Insurance and just talked to them about what to do in case that happens. I only insured our airfare at the time, as I didn't know what else we would be doing for tours and i didn't have to put money down for hotels. Unfortunately, I paid to have my seats upgraded for $200 just a couple months ago which won't be covered.
Anyway, I have $680 that I've prepaid for 5 tours. If that time comes that I know I have to cancel, i will email these companies (2 of the tours are with Walks of Italy) asking for a refund (which I know I won't get) or at least a credit to be used within a specified time period (probably a year).
Has any one else had to do this? If so, how did it turn out?