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Handicap blueshield tipping concierge

Well can't believe 4 days and we are on our way . So will my handicap sticker that I use work in Italy or do i need to go to AAA and get another one ?? Also what is edicate on tipping Hotel Concierges?? If you tip what is expected???
Thanks everyone

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4152 posts

No need to tip unless someone really goes out of their way. Italy is not a tipping culture like North America.

You don't say where you're from so can't really help with the handicap sticker issue.


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4152 posts

I don't know that your sticker will allow you to drive into and park in ZTL's if that's what you're asking. You can use it to gain entry to some sites but other sites, such as the Vatican museums, require a doctors note specifying a disability of more than 74% to gain free access.


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4152 posts

Even if they do you cannot drive into the city center without being a resident. You will need to park outside every city and take public transport or walk in. Every city has restricted driving zones and you cannot enter them without getting fined. You should be able to use your placard at public parking areas outside the city.


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23671 posts

This has been discussed before. They do have handicap space but you need a local sticker to use them. The Am handicap sticker is not valid in Europe. Some have received expensive tickets and other had not. It is a gamble and I would not do it. And AAA does not issue handicap stickers for Europe. Since you have not indicated the cities you are visiting, cannot determine if using a car is the best approach.

Posted by
91 posts

We returned from Italy and France last Sunday. We used our handicapped placard and parked in handicapped spots. We even spoke to a police officer in Rome and he said we could use the handicapped spots on the streets. Some handicapped spots in a pay lot are free, but you have to check.

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4152 posts

You can use the spots but you cannot drive into ZTL's unless you have a sticker on your car. Rental cars don't have these stickers. Don't be surprised if you receive traffic fines for being in restricted zones.


Posted by
25 posts

James so you had no problem using your sticker? I'm just going to bring it just in case. Not looking to park in town Trz just at train stations etc ect.

Posted by
91 posts

Donna, the OP did not ask about ZTL's. We avoid those areas when we drive. We used our placard just as we do here in the U.S. Never received a ticket on the windshield, maybe one will show up in the mail. Also, we made a copy of our handicapped placard as my wife cannot stand for a long period of time. We were granted immediate entry to the World Expo in Milan and a museum in Florence.

Posted by
4152 posts

ZTL information is important and the OP should be advised about it. A blue placard does not allow you to drive into a ZTL. If you did you will receive a fine in the mail for each ZTL you entered. This could take up to a year or more. A blue placard is not the same as a residents pass and does not give you the same right to drive into city centers. The OP should be made aware of this so they don't make this very costly mistake.

At state run sites you can use the placard for free entry. At other sites it's up to the rules of the site as to what you'll pay. At the Vatican museums you must prove a 74% disability with a note from your doctor in order to get the free entry, at other sites you'll get a reduced fee. It depends on the site.
