Trish, if you already know which hotel(s) you'll be staying at, check their websites. A lot of European hotels now have hair dryers in each bathroom, so you may not need to bring one at all. And if you do, travel hairdryers which have a switch for 110/220 are widely available here and very cheap,and they're probably smaller than your usual hairdryer as well. You'll need a plug converter -- doesn't change the power, just adapts the US straight-sided two-prong plug into the round prong two-prong Italian size. If you're going to any other country than England the two-prong plug will work well. (England uses a 3-prong much larger plug.) As for dinner, I've never felt out of place in pants and a blouse or sweater, perhaps with a scarf to make them a little dressier, or you can wear a skirt. You won't need to dress up, just don't plan to wear tennis shoes, shorts, cargo pants or other sporty type clothing for dinner. I've never needed a beach towel.