I’ve read somewhere that at 10:30 at the Duomo on Sunday’s there is a Gregorian chant mass. Can anyone confirm ? I will try to head out on Sunday and confirm if I don’t hear otherwise. Thanks !
Have you ever used a website call "masstimes.org"? All you need to do is put in a location, either internationally or in the United States, and it will give you a full listing of Catholic Churches and their Mass times along with a link to each church. This may be one way to answer your question. We have attended some wonderful Masses in churches all over the world. We do not always understand the language but it is easy to tell where they are in then order of the mass regardless of the language. At one Mass in Amsterdam one of the priests played the cello during the eucharist and in Florence we were able to attend an English Mass in the Duomo.
After a quick Google, I found this: http://www.florencewebguide.com/florence-duomo.html
The Florence Duomo Mass Schedule for those who would like to attend
services:weekdays: 7:30 - 9:00 - 10:30 (Gregorian Chants) 12:00 & 6:00 pm (with
organ) Sundays & holidays: 7:30 - 8:30 - 9:30 - 10:30, 11:30 & 6:00 pm
(in Baptistery)
You might also want to check San Miniato al monte for vespers(I believe around 5:30) along with the great view of Florence. Just up the road from Piazzale Michelangelo on the Oltrarno side of the river.