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Greece to Italy - Ferry or Fly?

My husband and I are planning a trip next Summer to visit Greece & Italy. Since we will be in Greece to visit friends, we won't be doing any island hopping or too much traveling. We plan to order a rail pass for Italy where we'll be doing most of our sightseeing. Is the Ferry covered? Which is cheaper and more convenient? I don't know if I will have to pay extra for an overnight cabin on the ferry? Should we just fly from Athens to Rome instead? Any input is appreciated.

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196 posts

Hi Ruby,
My wife and I took an overnight ferry from Brindisi Italy (it's at the heel of the boot) to the Harbor of Athens, Pirius. I believe that people with Eurail passes had deck passage but cabins were extra. Our ferry was overnight and I would get a cabin if I were you. It is simple but nice situation with a private restroom and bunk beds. If time is tight flying would be a good alternative and probably isn't much more expensive. If you have the time try to do an island. There are some very close to Athens and you could visit perhaps two islands on a day trip. After doing this day trip we had to return to Greece just to visit the islands for 3 weeks... you will see what I mean.

Have a great trip!

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7895 posts

Lets put it this way: To ferry from Athens to Rome requires (by the most common route) Bus or train from Athens to Patras to catch a night ferry to Bari, then Train to Rome. This is basically 24 hours of travel (basically noon to noon) depending on what train you get to Rome(could be late afternoon by the time you get there). Cost would be (for a cabin on the ferry and trains) around 250 euro each. Cost would be lower with an Italian rail pass, it would reduce your fare by about 50 euro, but generally rail passes are not good deals in Italy. Flying would be 6 hours (get to the airport, security, fly, into Rome) and cost around 125 euro each. If the journey by ferry were scenic and interesting, I'd say it was a wash, but I would fly.