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Grazie, Grazie, Grazie ! Debriefing #1

It's been 3 1/2 weeks since my husband and I returned from celebrating our 25th anniversary in Italy! We spent 17 days in Venice, Florence, Vernazza and Rome and today I've "given in" to my withdrawal and seeking solace from all of you who helped so much with your hints, websites, and suggestions through 10 months of planning. Through misty eyes I finished reading through Donna's thread of "Italy Withdrawal" and realize I am not alone!
As I listen to the strains of Andrea Bocelli on my stereo and smell my "Italian loaf" baking in the oven, I realize I've come to heal :-)

Upon return, our 3 boys have had practically nothing for dinner except varying pastas, breads, olives, cheeses, salames, (proscuitto is $12/lb here, so forget that!), pears & cheese & honey, Nutella! (although they are NOT complaining one bit about the food part) and had to listen to Italian music over and over and over. Yes, our wallpaper and screensaves are all photos and with our relatives, we're "up" to Rome on the pictures. Just reading all of your thoughts and suggestions for Italy addiction "withdrawal" is soothing, like old friends-ha! Guess we all need to "debrief" to some degree. I'd even emailed my B&B host in Rome, along with some pics, to thank them again and the highlight of my day was getting a return note from "Roma."

I think the tough part for many of us is realizing this was the trip of a lifetime and returning may never happen - kids, college, cars, economy,and yes, airline tickets! How amazing many of you that have returned, are returning and have actually moved! I would love to return now, "knowing" my way around certain areas :-) Yes, "vicarious" living helps to numb the brain some, as well as Italian wine, lemoncello and Birella. I suppose it's so true....better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved....or been to all!! We are, VERY thankful for our trip!

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I decided a long time ago that I wanted to skip the marriage and kids part of life and spend my money on traveling. I love it and am very passionate about it. Of course, I have missed out on the great wife and kids, but, it affords me the opportunity to travel more often than most people!!!! Here is to happy travels! Cheers!!!!!