Going to Sicily next week on an organized tour. They say that gratuity is voluntary, however they suggest a guideline of 4-6 USD per person for each traveling day for the tour manager as well as 3-5 USD for the driver. That can add up for a 9 day tour. Please share your thoughts and wisdom. As always thank you. Jane
Well, you can be sure that the "suggested" guideline is overly optimistic. $3 to $5 per day for the driver? Give me a break. I wonder when the last time was that a driver actually got that. Divide the suggested guideline by 2 is my suggestion. You will find that some on the tour will oppose any kind of gratuity.... there always is.
It's been years since I took an organized tour but in the past I took several of them. Even back then (between 1997-2002) $2-3/day for tour manager and $1-2/day for driver was common, so I don't think the guidelines you mention are horribly out of line. Whether or not you tip the lower amount or higher amount or not at all is entirely up to you, don't let yourself feel pressured into more than you feel comfortable with. If either the driver or tour manager go out of their way to do something special for you, then yes you should show your appreciation. Conversely, if you don't think one or the other's services rate a tip, then don't give them anything, but if you'd feel guilty not tipping them at all, then you should give them something. The guidelines are just that, use your best judgement.
Another good reason to take RS tours - no tipping.
jane, Although they indicated that the Gratuity was voluntary, hopefully they don't try to make you feel guilty if you don't offer a generous amount. As Charlie mentioned, you might have a look at RS tours next time, as you won't have to deal with this annoying practice. Hope you have a great time in Sicily. Be sure to try some Pasta alla Norma (I really enjoyed it). Buon Viaggio!
I was just on a tour in Northern Italy and their suggested gratuity was $10 - $15 pp/pd for the tour director. Outrageous.
If you have already paid for the tour I would not give anybody anything.
I think that's absolutely ridiculous that a company "suggests" how much you should tip. What is the tour fee for if you need to tip the guide an addition 4-6 euros per person per day? What are they doing above and beyond their jobs that rates such a tip? If they aren't doing anything other than their job they would get no tip from me. Donna
I did a Trafalgar tour 3 years ago and they suggested the same thing. I found that at the end of the tour, I got to know guide and driver well enough that I was glad to give them the suggested tip. They really take care of you. Who knows how much they make but I was more than happy to give them a tip. In fact, at the end of the trip, somehow we got given envelopes that we put the tip in and giving them the envelope when we said goodbye was a nice ritual. Just set aside the suggested amount at the beginning as part of your budget and depending how well they treated you, give them the amount corresponding.