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GPS on the plane

Just bought a Garmin 275T from Costco and have not had a lot of experience with entering destinations etc. Can I "practice" while on the plane for many hours?

Posted by
10344 posts

Whether you can practice with your new GPS for "many hours" on the plane flight to Europe depends on at least two things:

First, the life of the battery (it won't be connected to a power source); and

2) the particular airline's rule on use of GPS in the aircraft--it seems that use of GPS by passengers doesn't fall within an FAA regulation thus the airlines are free to adopt their own rule and some allow GPS and some apparently don't. I would ask a flight attendant.

The only time I've used a GPS on an aircraft was on a domestic flight on Southwest, and I asked a flight attendant, and the "no problem" reply surprised me. He explained that a GPS doesn't send but only receives signals from satellites.

When I used mine it was slow in figuring out where it was and wasn't able to calculate altitude but did correctly calculate the speed. It detected I-5 30,000 feet below and "thought" I was driving on I-5 and calculated "my" speed, correctly, at 550 mph--and I'm telling ya, at 550 mph the I-5 exits ramps were whipping by about every 10 seconds on the GPS screen!

Posted by
18 posts

Thanks Kent for your reply. I've already decided that I won't be playing with it on the plane, although I'd love to see streets and off ramps zipping by at 550 miles an hour.

Posted by
606 posts

My Garmin Nuvi 770 has a "simulator" mode that lets you browse the maps, set "Favorites", etc. with the GPS disabled. This should be fine to use on the airplane. You could find locations you want to visit, program them in as Favorites in advance, then when you get to Italy you just pull up your favorites list, tap a destination and you're off!

I don't know how your model is set up, but on mine I go to Tools/Settings/System and set GPS Simulator to On.

Kent makes a good point about battery life, but with the GPS mode off it can go pretty long on battery. Also, mine can charge either by cigarette lighter plug in the car or USB cable plugged into a computer, so if you have the USB and a laptop maybe you could power it a while on the plane via the laptop.

Posted by
125 posts

Don't know if all Garmins are like this, but..My Garmin 750 will only enter PC/Charging mode while plugged into a PC. To get it to charge, and turn 'on', here is what I do. While in the PC/Charging mode, disconnect the mini USB from the unit, then as soon as it starts to boot up, reinsert the mini USB plug to the unit. It should then continue to boot up, rather than enter the Charging/PC mode.

Posted by
1568 posts

Gage, practice at home, use it daily and experiment with it that way you will be an expert before your travel.

My grandsons call me the Gadget Granny. The Garmin 780 and my new Dell Mini10v are my latest toys.

I will always travel with my Garmin. They are fun.

Be sure to buy the lifetime map updates which entitles you to 4 updates per year if needed.

I will get a European Lifetime before our trip. Even though we will be traveling by will be fun to use. Will also try it in the air if permited.

Posted by
32325 posts


As Kent mentioned, there probably wouldn't be a problem using a GPS unit onboard the aircraft, as this is strictly a receiver and doesn't transmit at all (except for RFI generated by the microprocessor, which shouldn't affect aircraft systems). However, one exception would be a GPS unit that has Bluetooth or other option built in (some units are designed to communicate with Bluetooth phones).

However, you WILL need to have a window seat as the unit needs to be able to "see" the sky (and the satellites). I've tried this on a few occasions when the aircraft mapping system wasn't working properly. It's a bit funny to watch a small car driving itself across the Atlantic Ocean!

On the last occasion, I showed the display to the Flight Attendant's (they didn't know exactly where we were at the time either), and they didn't voice any objections. If in doubt, ask them!

Happy travels!

Posted by
606 posts

Ken: "...there probably wouldn't be a problem using a GPS unit onboard the aircraft, as this is strictly a receiver and doesn't transmit at all..."

I've been on flights where they said, "you are now free to use electronic devices with the exception of any devices that send OR RECEIVE..."

This never made a bit of sense to me. How could receiving be a problem? But I assume they know something I don't, or they wouldn't have said it.

Posted by
32325 posts


"I've been on flights where they said, "you are now free to use electronic devices with the exception of any devices that send OR RECEIVE..." "

I don't understand why they would have a problem with devices that are only capable of receiving. As someone familiar with communications and electronic equipment, this defies all logic. I'm only speculating here, but it sounds like they might be simply repeating instructions given to them by someone who wasn't really that knowledgable.

They should be more concerned with the fact that at least some passengers using Laptops may forget to disable the Wi-Fi and are therefore transmitting signals while they're happily "pecking away" on the keyboard. That would certainly have more potential to interfere with aircraft electronic systems. The same situation could exist with those typing away on their Blackberries, without first placing them in "airplane mode".


Posted by
18 posts

Thanks to all for their insight on this issue. I will be leaving tomorrow for our vacation so I now delcare this thread dead...unless someone really wants to carry it on.

Posted by
12313 posts

Kind of like cramming for a test. You will do better getting some sleep on the plane and being refreshed when you get there.

If possible, practice in your car at home before you get on the plane.

Posted by
808 posts


Too cute...declaring this thread officially dead! Gave me a chuckle, anyway! Please do report back and let us know how you made out!

Safe Skies...