Is there a good street map for walkers in Rome?
We always use the free maps from the hotels with all the advertising around it. Can get a fresh one everyday and cut it or mark it up anyway you want. We have always found them to be very accurate and some of the advertising useful.
We really liked our laminated Rough Guide Map to Rome. It includes transit stops (inc. buses), restaurants, and almost all the street names and an index of street names (which the hotel maps don't usually have). Even though it's laminated, it's still very soft, not a stiff sheet of plastic. And you can write on it, if you want. Also, consider taking a pocket compass. They're invaluable if you get turned around.
I love the Insight FlexiMap. It is laminated, and I can easily refold it. I like to mark my walks on it in Sharpie before we travel.