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Good price for Rome transfer from airport to hotel?

Our hotel (Hotel Smeraldo near Campo de Fiori) provides a transfer from the airport at a flat rate of 55 EUR. Is this a good price or should be look for a cab?
Thank you.

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56 posts

Julia, there is a train called the "Leonardo Express" that runs between Fiumcino and the train station just about all day long and is much cheaper than 55 Euro.

I don't know how far your hotel is from the train station but if not that far it may be cheaper to take the train. Check it out just as another option.

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6898 posts

The Leonardo express costs 11Euro and runs from the FCO airport to the Rome Termini train station. It runs twice an hour during the day.

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103 posts

Hi Julia - I second the others who have suggested taking the Leonardo Express from the airport to Termini train station in Rome. It's fast, efficient, on-time and inexpensive (11 euros per person when we used it twice in June 2008). Then from Termini, you can take either a cab - which we did to our hotel near the Campo Di' Fiore (was about 15 euros) - or Bus 40 (1 euro per person) to Large Argentina stop, then walk the three blocks to your hotel. If you opt for the cab, be sure to avoid the scavengers and do directly to cabs with meters parked by the orange TAXI sign. When we arrived at Termini, we were approached by an aggressive "poser" who offered to bring us to our hotel for 55 EUROS! Can you believe that! We were stunned when we took the real cab and it was only 15 euros.

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636 posts

It depends on how many people you have. For our family of 5, taking the train and then a cab (from the airport to the hotel) would have been much more expensive than the 50 Euros we spent for Rome Shuttle Limousine.

We also stayed at Hotel Smeraldo (we loved it!). Going through Rome Shuttle Limousine was less expensive than what Hotel Smeraldo could arrange for us.

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59 posts

Thank you all.
I found a transfer for 35E from Rome Shuttle We are 2 people, so this is a little more than the train (22E) but probably worth it to be dropped off right at our hotel.

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636 posts

We were very pleased with the service provided by Rome Shuttle Limousine. The driver pointed out lots of sights along the way, and he had a great sense of humor.

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12 posts

Thank you Julia for the tip to the Rome Shuttle Limosine site. I think we're going to use it. And I'm glad to hear about Hotel Smeraldo Leslie because theat's where we are staying. I think 35 Euros to be dropped off right at the hotel is what we need after the 9 hour flight we'll just be finished with.

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636 posts

Emit - You're absolutely right. Nothing beats being met after you leave baggage claim, walked to a van, and driven directly to your hotel.

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1589 posts

Devil's Advocate time:
Make the travel part of your adventure by using & experiencing the Leonardo and then the subway for a total of 12E each person.For those of us who rarely have access to train and subway travel on a regular basis here in the States, it can be a lot of fun. Whatever your method, have a great trip!