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Good news today for Italy

After two weeks of declining new cases and deaths, Italy is opening up unrestricted travel between regions starting Monday, May 18, and open borders within EU on June 3rd. Will keep firum posted as I learn more. The official government site doesn’t clarify. Restaurants and retail opens up Monday with restrictions. Masks will continue to be required in many situations, and where social distancing can nit be maintained.

Yesterday’s new cases were under 800, and of almost 70,000 tests, only 1.2% were positive.

Here’s one article, but it’s not clear if travel is allowed just between Schengen, EU, or includes all international travel from Abroad.

italy to allow travel

Time to start planning our Italian travels for later this month!

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At the moment the news are about travel authorized between States of the Schengen area.
The authorization means that you are free to reach Italy and is not required a 14-days quarantine. Of course any traveler has to respect all other rules (distance, mask, contact, behavior in hotels/restaurants and so on).
For travelers from outside Schengen area the 14-days quarantine is still valid and we don't know when will be eased. In my opinion probably not before two weeks, but even a month, to check how number of infected changes. Every opening step is done following this rule, in general.