My hubby and I are arriving on different airplanes and an hour difference, I at 10:15am and he at 11:15. Where would be a good place to meet in Malpensa airport? We are catching the train from the airport to Como Lago. Thank you.
Which ever of you arrives first should just meet the other at their gate.
Are your flights close enough in time to meet at the gate and hold off on picking up your luggage, and what if one of your flights is delayed? I like the idea of meeting at the gates, but if you have checked baggage instead of just carryons, you should have a Plan B. Perhaps meet at the luggage claim area and go through the rest of the arrival process together? Even with carryons, one or both of you might be asked to check the bag.
This is the site for the terminal map. Gran Cafe looks like a good backup location.
Thank you Sam, Gran Cafe is a good back up plan. I appreciate the web site of the airport.
My husband and I have had two trips to Europe where we traveled separately since I was going direclty from a business trip to Europe. Both times, we just met at the hotel. But since you are taking the train to Lake Como, that wouldn't work. Are you both traveling with your phones and have text capability. Texting is relatively cheap, and easy way to communicate in the event of a long delay or cancelled flight. In the unlikely event one of you is delayed for more than 12 hours or overnight (you'd know upon arrival in Italy) maybe the back up plan is either staying in a local hotel, or just heading to Lake Como directly and meeting up there.
Thanks, Karen, we will do texting, just got our phones plan for International travel.