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Good local seafood while vacationing in Northern Italy?

Later this spring we will be vacationing in Northern Italy (Milan, the Lakes and Italian Riviera). Any suggestions on good local seafood we can look for in restaurants? We live in the US.

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7866 posts

While most seafood, particularly of a larger size, will not be totally local, it will still be very good and at least from the general region (Sicily as someone mentioned) On the coast, much the same, except that "small fish", Anchovy, and Squid/Calamari and Cuttlefish will more likely be local. On the Ligurian coast, try the many variations of anchovy (Fried whole, baked into casseroles, and marinated in citrus juice to name a few) as you will not find it like that many places.

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401 posts

They say the best seafood in Italy is found in Milan. It is fished in Sicily and is on the plane by 4 am and on the market in Milan by 6 am. I know this isn't exactly local, but it sure is good. If you head to Liguria there are many excellent sea food restaurants there too, just expect that like anywhere else, sea food is expensive.

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320 posts


Obviously on the Ligurian coastline you will find wonderful fresh seafood.

I first went to the Cinque Terre in 2004 with the wife and two young children. We ate simply and enjoyed many great things. But every day walking back up to Hotel Villa Steno we would walk by this beautiful restaurant and my mouth would water. We didn't go because we didn't want to deal with kid issues there. But that restaurant stayed in my memory.

In 2007 we returned - this time with two other couples and no kids. I couldn't wait to try that restaurant. It is called Ciak right on via Roma on the inland side of the railroad tracks in old town Monterosso. That evening's meal will live happily in my memory. The traditional fish stew is an absolute poem. I recommend it highly. Beware however that the minimum order for that dish is two people. My friend and I ordered it and everyone else begged off - however, once they tasted it they all wanted some too and we ordered another portion! I dined at many fine places while there but Ciak stands out above the rest. Have fun.

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143 posts

I used Rick's guidebook for Venice a few years back and it very succinctly concluded that the smaller and weirder seafood was in Italy, the more likely it was to be local, meaning anchovies, sardines, cuttlefish rather than salmon, halibut, etc. Obviously there are exceptions (swordfish is a Sicilian specialty, correct), but in general I found it to be helpful.