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Go Opti from Venice

First time visitors to Venice. I booked Go Opti for transport from Venice to Trieste for 19 of us. I'm having trouble figuring out where the meet up point will be. I've tried to ask this question of the Go Opti staff but...they just said wait for the phone call. I have some travelers wanting more specifics.

The GoOpti reservation says--Pickup point is the Tronchetto-Piazzale People Mover, 30100, next to People Mover entrance/exit.

Is it close to Piazzale Roma? Or is it the transportation station by Piazzale Roma?

Thanks for any help you can provide here.


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21438 posts

Sounds like they want to meet at the other end of the people mover from Piazzale Roma in Tronchetto. There is a charge to use the people mover.
Here is a picture of the entrance at Piazzale Roma.,12.317951,3a,30y,321.44h,91.3t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1stQ6dMICJoXLoDT3szdFWFA!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu

Here is a picture at the other end in Tronchetto. Note it is a bus station, including Flixbus.,12.3079047,3a,75y,135.61h,100.54t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipNxht4km2AH8cbdiz1AXN9MRF2LIF76vrFowR0t!2e10!3e11!7i11996!8i5998?coh=205409&entry=tt

Cost to use the people mover is 1.50 EUR pp. Website:

Edit. Rereading your post, it is not entirely clear which end of the people mover they will pick you up at. You must ask them to clarify whether it is in Piazzale Roma or Tronchetto.

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5889 posts

I feel really ignorant here, as I've been to Venice several times and have never heard of a People Mover. I just looked at the website. I still don't understand where it takes folks . Thanks for any help relieving my ignorance.

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21438 posts

The People Mover goes between Piazzale Roma and Tronchetto with a stop in between at the Cruise Port. Until the large cruise boats got kicked out of port, it was quite busy moving people from the cruise ships to/from Piazzale Roma. So now its ridership is a ghost of days past, but still useful to get to Tronchetto, which acts as the Venice long-distance bus station, mainly Flixbus and the OEBB busses to Villach, Austria. I believe the parking garage at Tronchetto is cheaper than the one at Piazzale Roma, especially for longer term parking.