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Gluten free options or restaurants

I am going to venice, florence and rome in April and wanted to get advice about gluten free restaurants or options. Does anyone have any advice? I will be there 12 days.

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8283 posts

No problem. There is awareness of this everywhere with restaurant business folk nowadays where it was not maybe 15 years ago. You can Google or use Alexa voice command "Gluten Free Restaurants in Venice, Rome, etc." and you will find something.
Read the reviews of the places you might see many in Trip advisor. We were in Orvieto, Italy not as touristy as the big three Italy and found a restaurant not even looking that had the gluten free bread and pasta. The Italian is just Senza Glutine for Gluten Free if you happen a menu not in English.

Here is more info 11 years worth as this topic comes up every now then on the forum

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77 posts

While I can't recommend a specific restaurant for GF, you will be pleasantly surprised at the variety of foods offered in the restaurants in those three cities. Study up on the Italian words for the food items to watch out for, like pastry, bread, pasta, crust, etc. Italy is full of wonderful vegetables, cheeses, meats, and fish, not to mention risotto and polenta! The way the menu is organized, with antipasti, primi, secondi, usually with contorni in there too, you can easily customize a meal full of everything but gluten. And don't be afraid of going into the smaller mom and pop places like Rick Steves supports. If you tell them, my experience is that they want you to have a nice meal. As a side note, I stay away from wheaty foods here in the US but I have no problems eating bread and pastry when in Italy. Here are some of my favorite gluten free items to eat in each city: Venice: Baccala mantecato on firm polenta - It is To. Die. For. (sometimes baccala mantecato can be served on bread, so read or ask) and Sarde in Saor. Just trust me on this, one must at least try sarde in saor once in Venice :) . Florence: Bistecca alla Fiorentina. I could live on the steak and vegetables offered in Florence! Rome: insalata caprese (because my daughter ordered it every single day we were in Rome!) and these little fried rice balls that I can't remember the name of. And artichoke everything. Plus, there is always gelato!!

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9 posts

Thank you. This has helped so much. I am a little more at ease about enjoying my vacation. I will google restsurants and try those dishes out you recommended. I love trying new things. It's more of a challenge being a "foody" and gluten and dairy sensitive. I will bring some charcoal and gluten/casein enzymes, just in case. Thank you again for all your help.

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4657 posts

There is a helpful website that has been around almost as long as www. Happycow dot net lists vegan, vegetarian and GF restaurants and shopping around the world. I also like to read blogs so when googling, consider a search like 'eating gluten free in Florence Italy' or similar. It always pays to ensure whether info read is correct by going to the specific restaurant website.

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2768 posts

I can’t recommend anywhere specific but I can say that Italy is amazing with GF. Every restaurant waiter knows exactly what it is and will tell you what that restaurant has. Often there is GF pasta, and most of the meat/fish secondo dishes are GF. Unlike in France, flour sauces aren’t common (may exist, but waiters seem to know all about it). Pretty much pop into any restaurant, double check with the host, and you will be good. If that restaurant isn’t useful, they often know one nearby that is.

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3112 posts

There have been many past postings on this topic that contain additional information you may find useful, possibly including specific restaurant recommendations. Use the Search box at the top of the page to find those past postings.

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11294 posts

Do read the prior posts on this topic from the link in Jazz+Travels's posts. Your question is one of the most frequently asked questions here. As you see, Italy is one of the most gluten-aware places around, so you'll be fine.

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5494 posts

Yes it is surprising considering, ya know--bread, pasta, but I have read often that Italy is very celiac-aware. I would look up a phrase detailing your dietary requirements and have it available to present on a card.

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9 posts

Thank you all for your wealth of information. It has been very helpful. It makes things alot easier. 😉👍

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703 posts

we find in Italy if you have trouble finding gluten free food items in the supermarket, try the pharmacy. sometimes their local pharmacy will have a section selling various gluten free breads etc. usually 'schar' brand items.
hope this helps.