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Getting to train station in Florence

We are staying 2 blocks south of the Duomo in Florence and are taking the train to Rome (we will not have any luggage with us). Our train leaves at 6:00 in the morning and we will return at 11:00 at night. What is the best way to get to the train station. Is walking the only option? Do taxi's or buses run in that section of Florence? Is it safe to walk that route at that time of night? Thanks

Posted by
586 posts

Walking isn't bad, but the area just outside the station can be a bit of a gauntlet of pickpockets. We've done taxis with NO problem at all. Cheap and quick. Right outside the train station, all lined up ready to go. You take the first one in line.

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3112 posts

I wouldn't feel uncomfortable walking that route early or late in Florence. If you do, then ask your hotel to arrange a morning taxi and catch one at the station upon your return. Taxi would probably cost you around EUR 10 each way due to early and late times. As for buses, by the time you walked to a street where the buses run, you'd probably be a third to half way to the station and you might as well walk the rest of the way.

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1891 posts

The walk is not far, easy to do. Walking early morning and late at night in this area is OK. We've done it several times, and had no problems. People are not out at that time of the day or night (well, maybe at night- students, etc. You don't mention what day of the week you will be doing this walk...if it's a weekend, you can expect a few more souls on the streets.

If you feel totally uncomfortable, then cab it, but I wouldn't waste the money, the walk is more interesting.

We've walked in "shadier" neighborhoods of Florence early and late, and felt safe.

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6898 posts

You are about 10 short blocks from the train station. We were 6 blocks in another direction and had no problems walking to and from the train station. I would suggest walking north through the Duomo and turning left on the major street just on the other side. That street will take you directly to the train station. You'll be going by some large hotels and businesses so you shouldn't have any difficulties.

Posted by
13 posts

My friend and I got in from the train station at around 11:30 or so and had no problems. To be honest, there are a few questionable-looking people here and there. Asking others which alleys and streets to potentially avoid (just in case) would be a good idea.