In Italy are there certain ATMs that are better, safer to se than others to get money out? Thank you.
Any bank ATM will work. The Italian word for ATM is Bancomat and they all show this logo.
In terms of safety, it is best not to do your transaction at night in secluded spots. I like also to do it during opening hours, just in case the machine decides to eat my card for whatever reason. That way I can get it back (it's never happened, but just in case). Italian cities are very safe, and there are lots of policemen in uniform and in plain clothes all over the tourist areas, so don't worry too much.
You also have the option during banking hours to go into the entry area of a bank...some have ATM's inside.
When we use the ATM, usually my hubby is standing behind me facing out to watch around us...just a precaution.
Always switch to the English (flag) version so you understand the wording, and take your time....
As in the US, put your money way in your wallet (or money belt) before you walk away from the ATM, just to make sure you don't end up dropping money as you handle it while walking...
Footnote: While it may be possible to retrieve virtually all ATM cards "eaten" by machines at banks and during open business hours, I know of an example about a year ago where the bank personnel would not hand over one such card.
Generally speaking, ATM machines inside bank lobbies (or in large supermarkets or malls) are less likely having been tampered with and so are considered safer than external ATMs. ATM skimming, while rare, is not unknown but much more difficult in an enclosed space. If you use an external ATM, it is recommended masking the pad while you enter your PIN number.
Take your time when the transaction is complete, but you generally have 30 seconds to retrieve your card before the machine keeps it. I think you have to collect your cash quickly, too.
Other than being alert to your surroundings and making sure no one can see you enter your PIN, the main thing to watch out for is what is known as Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC). Often times at ATMs and even merchants will ask if you want your transaction in euro or US dollars (assuming you are American). ALWAYS choose the local currency. If you let them do the conversion, they will get to set the exchange rate and it will always give them some extra profit. Otherwise, the exchange rate is the interbank rate at the time the transaction is posted.
Also be sure to notify your own banks of your travel plans so they don't lock your cards. Have your bank phone numbers handy in case you do have a problem.
My card was eaten and kept at an atm in Strasbourg (entirely my fault...jet lagged, entered wrong pin). It was a post office bank, during business hours, but I couldn't get the card back until 9am the next morning, after showing my passport to prove my identity. Good thing I didn't need the cash that day (I had some left over from a previous trip).
Years ago some people in Italy (probably Naples) built a fake ATM machine next to a bank overnight before the weekend. They therefore collected all the cards inserted (the machine would eat it) and since people entered their PIN in the machines, they recorded the PIN too. They made a killing that weekend.
Another reason why it's a good idea to use the ATM inside the atrium of the bank and during business hours.
In Europe, as the transaction continues after you have put in your PIN, generally most machines return the card first. If you don't take it, after an amount of time it will be withdrawn by the machine and you won't be able to retrieve it - so take it when it is offered. After the card has been removed, the money will come, and after that the last thing will be the receipt if you will get one.
I have used many Italian Bankomats where there was no receipt offered or printed. That's why I always get a different amount so I can tell on my statement. If one does come out do take the offered receipt.
I immediately go to an area I located previously to secretly put the money away into my moneybelt.
I find it convenient to use a bank near or next to a caffe. That way I can even get money in as busy a place as near the Pantheon.
Almost all machines first give you back your card and then give you your money. I guess this is done on purpose, to avoid people forgetting their cards in the machine after taking their money.
Everyone has the own little quirks that they think reduces the risk. Mine is to always use an ATM just after someone else used it even if there is a vacant ATM next to them. My untested theory is, "If it works for them, it should work for me." Probably an unneeded precaution. But it seems to work.