Do you have any tips on getting into the Medici Chapels and Bargello? Are the lines long? Anyway to skip or bypass them without a Firenze card?
I've only been to the Medici Chapel once and just ducked in there because it was raining. (I promise it was on the list, though!) There were a number of other people who had the same idea as the San Lorenzo market is right outside. The ticket line was maybe 5 people and the security line took maybe 5 minutes. We did not have a Firenze card so just bought at the ticket window. My hotel was nearby so I walked by there a number of times but did not ever see a line out the door.
BTW, it was completely amazing!
We visited the Bargello in April 2014 and had no trouble at all-there were no lines.
I don't think you would ever have to wait at either of these. Perhaps a short time in July/August for the Bargello. I visited the Medici Chapels (and don't miss them) in July with no waiting.
I visited in February and there was a line for the Medici Chapels but it wasn't long. My impression was that only so many are let in at a time because it's relatively small. Pop in on the other side of the church to see the lovely cloisters, and maybe, if you have time, get tickets and see the Laurentian Library (designed by Michelangelo). I don't think many people go to the Bargello, it never seems crowded . . . shhhh, let's keep it our secret. Another one is the Duomo Museum, which has many wonderful pieces and doesn't get crowds.
I have visited both without lines in September, for instance. The Medici Chapels are one of my favorite destinations in Florence.
We were just there at the end of April, and there was no line for either. They are both amazing!