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getting into Duomo- not climbing the dome

Hi all!
any tricks on how to get into the Duomo fast and skip the line ? we don't want to climb the dome.
heat is getting intense these days and we have 3 kids.

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7737 posts

There are lots of Duomos all over Italy. Are you talking about the one in Florence?

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12240 posts

"Duomo" is Italian for 'cathedral'

Most you can just walk into if properly attired

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16884 posts

A German friend of mine who was leading a private Italy tour in June tells me that the queue to get into the Florence duomo was impossibly long almost all the time. I'm guessing the only way to get around that is with a guided tour, and I don't have one I can recommend firsthand but they're out there. However you will be paying for all 5 of you and I know you weren't wild about doing that at the Uffizi. You might also just go get in line well before - as in an hour or more before - it opens to avoid waiting in the worst of the heat; bring water and something to read.

As mentioned above, all of you must be appropriately dressed.

But another thought? Just skipping this one; we found it far more impressive on the outside than on the inside. Of all the churches I've seen in Italy so far - and I have a tough time passing up just about ANY church I'm within 10 feet of - it's the one that made such a small impression that I really can't remember much about the interior. The baptistry, however, was a different story.

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563 posts

For all the churches in Italy...other than the dome (inside and out) the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore is actually pretty bland and featureless. No really, it's quite austere, remarkably the walls and columns are not overly ornate or, decorated. Its most impressive features are best viewed from a distance: the dome, outside and the fresco's inside, and the uniquely patterned floor.

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110 posts

I asked this question last week when we were there. Two suggestions, I noticed the line was not too bad an hour or so before closing time or just attend a mass to get in but not walk around. The line in the late afternoon was not that bad at all.

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6 posts

thanks everyone! I hear that it is really beautiful inside but then also that it is austere and not so great?
its over 100 degrees in Florence today so wanting to make the best decision for my family :)
do you think it's worth it?
we have not really seen any other duomos except in Venice.

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16884 posts

do you think it's worth it?

With three children, I'd recommend finding something else to do.

BTW, if you haven't been by the church when externally lit up at night, that's when it really shines. IMHO. You can also google up some pix of the interior to see if standing around to get in is something you still want to do? As zcorsair described it, surprisingly austere compared to the exterior. Florence offers others which I personally found more interesting.

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110 posts

Iโ€™d skip it. The dome is beautiful from the outside and the church is too. Visit at night when itโ€™s all lit up.

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6 posts

thank you all! just FYI we ended up standing in line- my teen really wanted to and I just wasn't gonna say no to her interest!
It was only 45 min, moved very fast!