What is the best way to get from Milan to Aquileia?
Any advice on where to stay in Milan and Aquileia?
Aldema, accommodation recommendations depend on your budget and what amenities you require. I like Hotel Garda in Milano, just a few blocks from the train station. Full service hotel but breakfast is extra (I'm fond of the VyTa bar at the train station, anyway). I've never been to Aquileia, but I'm sure you'll get advice on that.
Trains approximately every hour from Venezia Mestre to Aquileia.
We stayed at Albergo Aquila Nera a few weeks ago. It is a pub with several rooms above. It is simple, but the rooms were large and the morning breakfast was very good. I liked the location along the canal and we could have walked to the basilica (but we didn't because of the heat and our traveling companions). I wished we had devoted more time to Aquileia; it is a really interesting town. Don't miss the gelato near the basilica on the road between the bell tower and the main street - it was the best we had this summer.