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getting from airport to hotel in Venice

My husband and I are arguing about the best way to get to our hotel in Venice near San Salute from the airport. What do most people do and how fast is it? I prefer to go to the train station by bus and then take a vaporetto. He thinks the water taxi is better and faster. Help!

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153 posts

A water taxi is better and faster but is quite expensive. I don't know what it is this year but last year it was 80 euro. If you take a water taxi, be sure your camera is where you can get to it. Ours went down the Grand Canal and we didn't have access to a camera.

The vaporetto could be a challenge if you have a lot of luggage. (Venice is a challenge if you have a lot of luggage!)

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6898 posts

Gretchen, you are the person going to the Hotel Messner. There are two easy ways to get there from the airport while avoiding the expensive water taxi. The first is the #5 ACTV bus from the airport to the Piazzale Roma. Once there, walk over to the vaporetto stop and buy some type of ticket (day ticket, multiple-day ticket). Get on the #1 vaporetto going to Lido. As I mentioned in your other post, the #1 vaporetto is the only one that will stop at Salute. It's the local so expect it to stop 13 times before it arrives at Salute (I'm looking at the vaporetto map).

Second, you can walk to the boat docks and take the Alilaguna Blue Line boat (vaporettos do not go to the airport). They run once an hour. The Blue Line will take about 1:20 to get you to the San Marco stop which is just across the Grand Canal from Salute. Guess what. You have to get on the #1 to go 2 stops.

You'll enjoy the whole experience.

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1 posts

Well, it sounds like you're just as confused as me!
We're staying at the Piccolo Veceiello in Cannaregio, and I'm getting too much info but nothing helpful! Can anyone help me get to my hotel??? Thanks!

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424 posts

I have taken the Alilaguna boat which suits my budget. If you are confused, I would first ask your hotel their recommendation.

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1201 posts


Your hotel is very close to Fondamente Nove. I would walk from the terminal at Marco Polo to the boat dock (about 10 Minutes) then take the Alilaguna Blue Line to Venice. Fondamente Nove should be the second stop. It should take about 50 minutes and cost 12 euros each.


There are three great things about taking a water taxi. They will get you to where you are going very quickly without waiting on a time table. They can also usually get you very close to the property depending on where it is located, since they can sneak down the small canals. Taking a water taxi isalso the most elegant way to enter Venice and it will make you feel like James Bond or monied royalty. But they are pricey. If you have 5 or six people in your party, the cost spread out is more reasonable.

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705 posts

I agree with Larry's first option - get the bus and then the vaporetto down the Grand Canal. That first ride down the canal is breath taking and I reckon is the best ride in town.

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7209 posts


How old is your vaporetto map? I read where the traghetto that used to run from Salute to San Marco has been replaced with a vaporetto. Does your map include that?

I really don't look forward to stopping 13 times before arriving at Hotel Messner. Thanks for your info.

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6898 posts

Tim, my map is from the Eyewitness Top Ten Venice book from last year. Better than that, we stayed at the same hotel (Hotel Messner) and had to travel to the same stop last year. There may be a traghetto that I am not aware of to the Salute stop but my map and my experience says that only the #1 vaporetto stops there. We were definitely on the vaporetto. Salute is a small stop.