What is the most reliable way to get from the Venice airport to our hotel on the island. Viator offers both private and shared boats, and I read somewhere on the limits of suitcases one can take. We two checked size, and one overhead bin size. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi. This website provides a lot of Venice-related info. I think you will find how to get from the airport and more:
I hope I interpreted your question accurately.
You do not need a consolidator (Viator) to take the Alilunga boats to Venice. Just walk out of the airport to the left and look for the boats with the yellow bottom. Buy a ticket and get on !
Reconsider your luggage - you should each be taking only a 22" case with a possible backpack or shoulder bag. You will die in Europe if you carry more than that ! Read on this site about packing light and look at travelfashiongirl.com to help you pare down to a few essentials.
How much is the Viator quote? You can prebook a water taxi at: https://www.motoscafivenezia.it/eng/
Cost is 107 EUR, and if there are only 2 of you, you can take as much luggage as you want, since the boats can handle 7 people comfortably with 2 bags each. If your hotel has a dock, they can take you right to the hotel.
Or, doing it much cheaper, you can take the bus and then take a vaporetto to your hotel. You will have to wrestle your bags on and off the vaporetto, however. How will you be leaving Venice ? Same problems getting to the train station.
From other posts, looks like this is the departure point for a cruise, so you can be forgiven for traveling heavy. Hey, go first class and get a water taxi. If you just walk down to the water taxi dock (I hear they now have a moving walkway), the cost will probably be 120 EUR to a Venice hotel.