How easy is it to get around in Rome via the subway and what is the cost? We are staying near the Vatican in July, spending a couple of days
The subway system is very poor - only two lines - and often doesn't go where you want to go. The bus and sometimes the trans are much better. Problem with the subway is that every time they try to dig hole they run into a 2000 year old building.
It depends on where exactly you are staying, if a Metro station is near. Some people say near the Vatican, but actually they are at Monte Mario or around the Olympic stadium or Trastevere (Near the Vatican my foot!) Assuming you are truly near a Metro station in the Vatican/Prati area, the Metro is good for (in parentheses the station name): Vatican Museum (Ottaviano), Villa Borghese (Piazza del Popolo), Spanish Steps (Spagna), Trevi Fountain (Barberini), Termini Station (Termini), Colosseum (Colosseo). Most other places are better by bus. The cost is not significant (Euro 1.50) and there are also multi-day options that are even cheaper if you make great use of transit. It definitely beats the cost of taxi.
We have spent several weeks in Rome and walk almost everywhere. And if we need to go to the outer reaches of the city, we take a taxi. The fares are not bad.
Here's an excellent resource about getting around in Rome: Ron In Rome Bus Metro Tram
You are worrying too much about the wrong transportation! Take the bus! I always stay near the Vatican, and usually walk to most sites (and I'm 60 years old), and when the bus is inconvenient, I take a taxi. Taxis are pretty inexpensive in Rome, especially if you walk to a "taxi stand" rather than having one called for you by a hotel or restaurant. Your hotel can tell you where the nearest taxi stand or bus pick up area is. NO Worries! Rome is very easy to get around in~
Jason, I usually use a B.I.G. (daily) transit ticket, which can be used for all modes of transport within the main parts of the city. It has to be validated on the first use, and is valid until midnight. The tickets are easily available around Termini (magazine stands, etc.). Here's the details: Biglietto giornaliero B.I.G. (one-day ticket) Price: 4,00 € Valid 24 hours on any means of transport, it must be stamped only one time (when starting the travel); in case the visitor use the metro, the ticket must be exhibited to the controller at the entrance of the metro line.
!WARNING: this ticket is valid untill the midnight (of the day it had been stamped) Depending on where I'm going, I often use a combination of Metro and Buses. While the Metro currently only has two lines, it is still quite useful. A third line is under construction, but no estimate yet on when it will be completed. Be VERY vigilant regarding pickpockets when using transit in Rome (especially if it's crowded) and always wear a Money Belt. The #64 Bus has somewhat of a reputation for pickpockets (it's often REALLY crowded). Happy travels!
If you have patience and stamina, the Roma transportation website is very helpful; use in combo with RonInRome. The tram network (and the trams themselves) are nice.
I have had the pleasure of vacationing in Rome several time in the last 5 years. We stay near Termini station and have walked almost everywhere. If you are in good shape you can truly enjoy the walks. I have also taken the city bus without any problems. Plan accordingly and have a great time.