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Garmin Nuvi 275T

I just recieved my Garmin 275T which I bought at Costco for our upcoming trip to Italy. I chose this unit because of the preloaded European Maps. It comes with an external antenna which is recommend for European use in the manual.
OK, here comes the dumb questions:
1. Will I need it in my rental Ford Fiesta (were talking that BMW, Benz, Audi killer on the autostrasse)
2. I have the external antenna but where does it plug in? Im fairly tech savvy but I can't find the correct place for it. Im sure this is going to be a "duhhh" moment.

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1003 posts

By "external antenna" do you mean the FM traffic receiver cord? That's the only external thing my 275T came with (I also bought it for upcoming travel in Italy). I was not planning on bringing that with me, but just in case that's what you're talking about, the place you plug that in is on the cord that goes into the cigarette lighter, there's a rectangular solid part and the little plug opening is on the side of that. Sorry if this doesn't help!

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32325 posts


I'll try to find a PDF of the 275T manual on the Garmin website, as I'm not sure what kind of "external antenna" they might be referring to? My Garmin Nuvi works just fine in Europe with just the built-in antenna on the back.

If I find anything significant, I'll post another note.


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1201 posts

both Debra and Ken are right. There is a spot on the plug in for the external antenna. but that piece is for the FM trafiic reports if they are available where you are.

The satellite receiver should work fine without it.

Posted by
1018 posts

The preloaded European maps is a nice feature. I used my Garmin nuvi 260w this past July and August in Italy and I bought the sd card European maps. I cannot comment on your model, but keep in mind that sometimes it can give you crazy info. For example, it told me to turn where there were no streets or maybe the street was now one way. We found a great cafe/internet place but the Garmin prevented me from loading the address under favorites. So, I went to "where am I" and entered the info through that domain. All in all, it was invaluable. My neighbor gave us his house to stay in, but we needed the gps to find the town. His small town is called Nusco and it is not on any maps. We were 1 1/2 hours from the Amalfi coast and Pompeii.

Buon viaggio,