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Galleria Borghese closed for repairs or something?

Good morning all. I have been trying for the past week or two to order a booking for the Borghese Museum. For this entire time the tosc website is showing bookings only through June 3, 2023. I am looking to book for June 7 and can't figure out why it isn't adding any more dates. Doesn't seem to tie to 30 days out or 60 days out. So, before I chalk this up to, well, Italy, I thought I would ask here to see if I am missing something. I would love to lock in Borghese before I need to do Colosseum/Forum tickets as the plan is to do those the same day. Thanks for any guidance you might be able to provide!

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3812 posts

There will be some temporary exhibition either ending or beginning around June 3, who cares in April? Nobody else can get tickets.

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8064 posts

For our trip last fall, tickets for our timeframe weren’t available for quite some time, then a block of dates suddenly were opened for making reservations. As you’ve noticed, there doesn’t seem to be a round of number of days (30, 60, whatever) by which the schedule for reservations is released. It’s not like every day a new date is made available, then a day later, the next date would become available. It’s bits and pieces of the calendar, seemingly randomly opened up in chunks of days. Keep a close eye for when your date(s) finally pops up, then reserve ASAP.

For what it’s worth, Sunday, June 4, now that the reservations are apparently available, is a Free museum day in Rome. While that means a mob of bargain seekers in other museums, since the Borghese controls numbers, and limits visits to 2 hours, it’s still not overcrowded. And the whole the regular admission price isn’t huge, so a free day maybe doesn’t make an enormous financial difference to someone on vacation, the free admission’s still a deal. And the nearby Pietro Canonica museum in the park’s free then, too, and zero crowds to see his sculptures and workspace.

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28 posts

I have been trying for the past week or two to order a booking for the Borghese Museum. For this entire time the tosc website is showing bookings only through June 3, 2023.

@Laura I feel your pain! I've been trying to book tickets for June 4/5 or 7 and have been checking tosc,it every day for about five weeks now. When I began looking it seemed like they released tickets 90 days out. That 3 June cutoff has been in place for the entire time I've been checking, and the number of available dates has steadily dwindled.

The link provided above is a third party reseller - if you try to book anything not a tour - ie. just an upcharged admission ticket - and click through their cutoff is May 31. The things that are showing availability are guided tours, and I bet they don't have those tickets in hand yet.

I did write the contact email to ask about timing, and the email account for the Borghese responded and said tickets after 3 June will be available about 10 days prior. We'll already be in Italy, so I hope I can remember to pop online and/or call to book before they're gone.

Good luck!

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77 posts

Thanks all! Glad I’m not going crazy. Thank you for emailing them. I thought I would try here first. I leave on June 4 for Italy, so I can order before I go. Much appreciated!

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1 posts

Thank you Laura for posting and to KBJ for solving the mystery. Much appreciated!

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1271 posts

I have been checking too, and you are correct, the last day available at the moment is June 3rd. Nothing after that. I'm trying to get mine for end of June.