I know this topic has been kicked around a lot, but I cannot find the answer to my specific and urgent question.
I want the card for my visit to Florence, March 9-23. I have the link to the Friends of the Uffizi website.
I see how to send in my money, but I don't see how I receive the card itself? The website does not address
this. I have written them an email and haven't gotten a response. Does anyone have an answer? Does anyone
know if you can go to the Uffizi and purchase the card there? Thanks for any help.
You can order the tickets online for the Uffizi at www.uffizi.com/online-ticket-booking-uffizi-gallery.asp and they will mail them to you. Yes, you can buy tickets right at the Uffizi but be prepared for long lines.
I think you can go in the "friends" door to buy the tickets so it's a much shorter line. Big plus is being able to visit the Uffizi multiple times.
Yes, thanks, I know about the online booking for the various museums. I am talking about the specific "Friends of the Uffizi Card".
For $60/person, $100/family donation to the museum, gives you a year long membership and free unlimited access to many
museums in Florence. The number of museums participating will be limited in April, but we will be there in March, and $100
for unlimited visits for two weeks seems like a wonderful option for us. I just need to find out where to get the actual card.
Can you go in the "Friends Line" to get a "Friends Card"?
According to the Friends of the Uffizi website you can purchase/renew membership cards at the Welcome desk at the Uffizi during open hours.
Thanks, I really appreciate the clarification.