The landlady for the apartment in Rome wants us to call her as we leave FCO so she will know when to meet us and give us the key, etc.
We will not have the right kind of cell phone and thought we would try Google Voice with GrooVE IP. However, it sounds like we may have trouble finding WiFi at FCO. Wondering if we should just get a phone card and use a pay phone (do they still exist?) In the past we have not always had success with phone cards and pay phones in Italy. Suggestions please?
There isn't free wifi at the airport. I connect to the wifi there using the Boingo service, which is also fairly common in the States. Since I have an iPod, I have the Boingo app, which I just fire up when I am in the airport; it s the right signal, then I go through the process of paying $1.99 through my iTunes account to get an hour of online time. So if you will have an iPod, iPad, or an iPhone (even if you can't use it as a phone, you can probably still use it to access internet through the wifi signal I think), you might go that route. If you have a laptop or some other type of computer, you can get online by choosing the airport's wifi signal under your wireless settings, then starting your internet browser. From there it will load a page where you can pay for your wifi use. I never go this route because all I really want to do in the airport is check email and Facebook, and it is cheaper to do it through the iPod for $1.99. Take care.