The Casino Boncompagni Ludovisi (containing Caravaggio's sole fresco) can only be visited by paying 300 euros, which can be split between 15 people. There are openings on either May 4 or 5, 2020, and either 11 am or 3 pm. What is the best way to try to find others who would want to visit any of those times?
I had the privilege of touring the palazzo a few years ago as well as to attend a party given by the Boncompagni-Ludovisis and it is marvelous! Is Princess Rita still leading the tours herself? Lovely person!
You might contact the American Women’s Association of Rome, [email protected]. They have monthly outings and might work with you to sponsor the tour to their members.
Thanks very much for that--I'll try them. (Yes, the princess leads the tour, in English.)
Rita is American. Google her for interesting background. Once married to a US Congressman. She is a Texan.
I've been curious about Guercino's Aurora and about Caravaggio's only fresco for years. Unfortunately, I'm afraid the moment I stand by the princess and in front of the happy (oh-so-happy) faun, I won't resist and ask: "Speaking of marble columns... Your highness from Iowa, may I respectfully ask if you really..."