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For People New to the Forum

Not long ago, I set up my account here and posted for the first time. I enjoy the Italy Forum especially and reply to people whenever I can.

Just now, while wondering why so many people new to the forum don't answer the questions they get asked in the many long and helpful replies they get, I remembered that when I was new I did not know about the account settings that would send everyone's replies and private messages to my email address. So, if you don't know that, you have to remember to (or find the time to) return here to see what people have written to you.

I also just now for the very first time (because I was looking) found this useful link, "Using the Rick Steves Travel Forum":

It advises people posting a question to say what their interests are, what their budget is, etc., etc. and is very informative! I wish I'd seen it earlier. Probably, like some other new people, I was too eager to ask my question to stop and look around first.

Posted by
2081 posts

Great reminders. Thank you and happy holidays from a former resident of St. Paul. My family tells me you will have a cold and white xmas.

Posted by
10798 posts

Thanks for pointing these things out. It might be really helpful if you post this to General Europe since it applies to all of the forums.

Posted by
1823 posts

They might also avail themselves if the search function since most questions have been asked many times before.

Posted by
34562 posts

Really excellent points, nancys8, and well worth remembering.

I too become frustrated when new posters post vague questions and when clarifying questions are asked never returns with answers so they can benefit from results tailored to them.

Your reminder may say why....

Posted by
8889 posts

I too am frustrated by posters who ask vague questions, and then when asked for clarification, stay silent.
My other pet peeves:

  • Please always put which country you are from (which country you live in). This is necessary info for many transport questions. Put it in your profile, not just town or region, the COUNTRY. Am I expected to know every town and region in your country?
    • Nancys8 and Mike - is that Boston Lincolnshire, or the one in the USA, or a totally different one?
  • And for any questions to do with passports or visas, what NATIONALITY you are. Not necessarily the same as above, it isn't for me.
  • And time of year you are travelling.
  • And how many in your party, and age groups.
Posted by
9436 posts

Good tips!
But i don’t understand why anyone would post a question then not go back, on their own, to see the responses.

Posted by
23723 posts

For the most part, people simply stumble on to this site. Obviously make no effort to understand the site or the structure. And when was the last time a new poster read --

My major concern is the poster who asks a question expecting a certain answer or a narrow range of answer. Then when they don't get the answer they are expecting, they become hostile.

So we just play along and try our best to educate as we go along. And some days are better than others.

Posted by
3659 posts

And of course when people answer a question, a wee thank you from the OP is always welcomed.

Posted by
136 posts

And of course when people answer a question, a wee thank you from the OP is always welcomed.

I have often wondered about this since I am fairly new to the forum. When you reply to a post, is there a way for the poster you are responding to (other than the OP) get any type of notification that you have responded? Otherwise, you have to come back to the post to see if someone has responded to what you wrote. Again, I know the OP will get email notifications, I am wondering about other contributors on a post.

Posted by
23723 posts

There is no secondary notification. Only the OP gets notification IF that option has been selected.

Posted by
34562 posts

but if you use the "all topics" option of viewing the Forums you see all the threads in reverse chronological order.

Just keep an eye out for the thread you are interested in and when it pops up you'll know there has been a change - either a new answer or somebody has gone back and changed one of the posts.

Or watch the particular Forum and when the post count changes on the one you are interested in there's been action.

Posted by
330 posts

And there’s the ‘bookmark this topic’ option for a direct link back to a topic you may want to revisit

Posted by
9436 posts

Or, click on “My Account” at top right of any page, click on “Travel Forum”, then click on “My History” to see topics you’ve posted to. No need to Bookmark a topic unless it has info in it you want to refer back to.

Posted by
1823 posts

A large influence on the behavior of posters is the rise of the smartphone. The nature of the device promotes short questions with misspellings and makes following a thread more of an effort. On our website, mobile is now used by over 50 percent of the readers. The chances this changes or that they read an instructive article are near zero.