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For all you regulars who answer our posts!

Thanks to all of you who take the time to give us detailed, well thought out input. We obviously couldn't do as well without you! Many sincere thanks! I love this website because of all of you.

Posted by
424 posts

Amy I agree with you. Everyone's input has been very helpful for my trip planning (2 trips so far). Now, every once in a while I can actually contribute good first hand information. It makes me feel like I am giving back :-)

Posted by
10 posts

It was through this web site that we found a web site for an apartment in Rome. With 5 people in the group it was the way to go. On the Taber River near the Vatican. We never would have found it if it weren't for people on this web site.

Posted by
207 posts

Thanks for the opportunity Amy- we have never had a bad trip but this was by far the best of 9 to Europe and a big reason was the helpful info here... Bless you all. George, Pittsburgh

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69 posts

I agree the posts and the attitude is far beyond other sites.

Posted by
74 posts

I totally agree, when I first started to plan my trip to Europe I didn't know about this website. I thought my itinerary was perfect......well....I was very wrong!
Thanks to all the experience european traveler's who have taken the time to advise, comment, and answers all of our trip is now well plan.

Thank you. Gil

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18 posts

I also totally agree. This website has been the greatest addition to Rick Steve's site. I have been helped so much!!!

Posted by
93 posts

I second with everybody! This website was a tremendous help when we planned our trip to London 2 years ago. Now we're going to Italy in Oct. and I frequent this site for info & opinion. Many thanks ya'll!