We want to do a food tour in Rome and we're considering Eating Italy because it has such good reviews, particularly the Twilight Travestere tour that has staggered start times 45 minutes apart between 3:30 pm and 7 pm.
Has anyone taken this tour and, if so, what start time do you recommend? This is for a family of five including three kids, ages 9, 14 and 16. Also, my two youngest are very picky eaters. Do you think they will get anything out of this tour? Part of my hope is that it opens them up to new food possibilities.
My oldest is allergic to peanuts. Is this a potential problem on a food tour, or no more so than anywhere else? At age 16, he is very careful about asking about peanuts in food so there's not a risk of him eating something without thinking about the potential first.
Anyway...if anyone has a different tour they can recommend, I'd love to hear it. Thank you!