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Food/Snacks into Italy

Can anyone tell me what foods/snacks are not allowed into Italy? We are leaving 10/17 from US to Rome for 2+ weeks.

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9109 posts

Customs checkpoints heading into Italy and most other airports in Europe are fairly lax. It's not uncommon to find them unmanned, so it's not something to be overly concerned about. Most prepackaged store bought food should be okay. When you enter back into the US is when you have to be more careful.

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466 posts

How much food and snacks are you talking about? They much be pre-packaged. No meat or cheese. Just curious, why would you take food and snacks?

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267 posts

I just got back from 15 days in Italy. Going IN to Italy, the "checkpoint" was merely a passport check. You hand your passport to one of the people at the booth, they stamp it, you go on your way. We had no bag checks, xray scans, nothing. I had beef jerky and granola bars that I'd been munching on the LOOONG trip over there, and the lady next to me on the plane had (as she called it) "her medicine cabinet" which consisted of an unmarked baggy with several different types of pills in it. I didn't ask..... (and don't thinnk I'd recommend doing that; but the point is, nothing was searched)

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11 posts

You're going to ITALY!!! Enjoy what you find, not what you bring.

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192 posts

Anything prepackaged will be no problem. They really do not check anyway. But I would just get snacks in Italy at the local grocery.

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12313 posts

I haven't ever had problems bringing in energy bars, breakfast bars, individual serving tubes of nuts. I usually don't carry anything that needs to be refrigerated or protected from bumps and bruises. I carry enough food for snacks on the flight plus some extra to get me buy until I'm settled enough to look for food.

I also bring some cheese sticks but only enough to eat before the lack of refrigeration becomes an issue so they're eaten before arriving.

I've had bad luck with peanut butter crackers turning to crumbs before being eaten. Single serving fruit or pudding cups might be good for the plane as long as you protect them from getting smashed and opening inside your carry-on.

Posted by
19 posts

I plan on brining snacks too as I sometimes become hypoglycemic...and I would hate to get cought without a store around. I had a friend bring powerbars without any problems.

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7895 posts

Not sure, but the pudding or fruit cups may cause problems with security (liquid or gel?) Besides snacks for the plane, I rarely bring them, more interesting things available there. My wife however will bring breakfast bars, I do coffee and a pastry, she does coffee and a bar.

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11507 posts

Pudding cups are considered liquids . I brought a ready made salad from an airport kiosk and had issue with the included mini cup of salad dressing. They did allow it, but only after I pointed out it was all packaged inside container.

Posted by
223 posts

you are fine with anything that's not considered a liquid - I have a small child and, therefore, ALWAYS CARRY SNACKS (can't count the times it has saved me with airport delays, etc....helps with grumpy husbands too ;-) ) Granola bars, pretzels, nuts...took some of those pre-packages cheese and cracker things last time too...a bunch of them actually and no problem.