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Follow-up to Bus, Rome/Siena, Siena/Milano Question

If our bags are stowed beneath the bus(es) (a la Greyhound US practice), are their claim tickets issued to us? Are bags vulnerable to thieves at interim stops (the interim stops seem inevitable on both trips)?

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265 posts

Unless you have anything valuable in your luggage and you take it out of your luggage and show it, I wouldn't worry about my luggage being stolen. Now anyone can make a mistake and take the wrong luggage. It sucks, but it can happen. EU thieves are only interested in your goodies e.g. phone, camera, jewelry,watch and of corse MONEY, CASH...!!! I wouldn't worry about the bus as much as those gorillas working in the airports loosing the luggage. They're not that interested in my beat up luggage or my underwear. Just keep an eye out while the bus is stopped or get off and don't load the bus until the driver closes the luggage doors. Anything valuable should always be kept with you!!!

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23650 posts

To answer your question - I have never seen a claim ticket with a bus. Sometimes there is an assistant to put your luggage under the bus and other times you do it yourself. Strictly speaking whether on a bus or train, the luggage storage area is always vulnerable to thieves but the probability is very low. Most thieves are not interested in grabbing a random bag with hope of finding something valuable. I do try to sit on the same side as my luggage so I can watch out the window.