I'm arriving in Rome at 12:00. Would I have enough time to pick up my bags, go through customs and check my bags and board if the next flight leaves at 1:45 for Venice? I've never flown internationally and have no idea how long the process typically takes.
I can't give you a direct comparison for the Rome airport, but 1:45 seems tight considering my experiences elsewhere. I have had similar times to deal with in the Amsterdam and Frankfurt airports and each time I always come close to missing the flight, mostly because they switch the gate on you, or they decide to search the crap out of your bag multiple times (grrrrrrr!!!!).
The fact you have to grab and re-check your bags doesn't help either.
But just ask for help from the staff at the airports, and the worst case is that you wait a few hours for the next one. If that's cool with you, don't fret.
Good luck
Time is too short even assuming your flight is on time. You most likely will have to change terminals and go through security again.
Thanks for the tips! The next flight is at 4 so I might just book a train ride instead. I only have 2 nights in venice so I was hoping to get there as quickly as possible. :) Thanks for the help!