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Flying to County Mayo, Ireland

I am ready to pull my hair out! I want to visit county Mayo next summer, but I can't seem to find any airlines that fly into Knock (NOC) International. I am in the Portland, OR area but would be more than willing to fly out of anywhere that will get me to my destination. Does anyone know what I could do? The only way I have found to do this is to fly into Dublin then backtrack to Mayo. As I have a time constraint, I don't want to waste time on the train.

Thanks for the help,

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16024 posts

First, this should have been posted either in "Transportation" or "To The North." Not in the Italy section.

I don't want you to lose your only way to fly into NOC is from the UK with either Ryanair or BMI. (There are no flights from the USA)

Here's the airport's website with all the information you need.

Ireland West Airport

The only two airports in Ireland who have flights from the U.S. are Dublin and Shannon.