Where is the best place to stay when we will be arriving to Rome in the afternoon and flying out in the morning.
Taxi from anywhere in the city costs a fixed rate of €48. If you stay within walking distance of the train station, then the first train of the day tends to depart at 5:30 and arrives to the airport at 6:10 (schedule not yet published past June 10). Or, if you already saw Rome earlier in the trip, then the Rome Airport Hilton is within the airport itself.
Timing is shorter for flights to a European airport than for a direct flight outside of Europe. The airport itself won't be much staffed before at least 5:00. There are many other threads on the topic of how early to arrive. For instance, at https://community.ricksteves.com/travel-forum/italy/taxi-for-early-morning-trip-to-the-airport.