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Flying By the Seat of Your Pants

So, I've read in Rick's snapshot Cinque Terre Book as well as his Italy 2011 that just "showing up" without a room in Vernazza is doable. I am having a hard time finding anything to book for my dates, May 21-25 and I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience just flying by the seat of their pants and landing a room during this time in Vernazza upon arrival?

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6898 posts

I often tease about travelers in the day rental place in Monterosso with this blue travel book with yellow letters (the RS book) as RS does promote this method of finding a room in the CT. However, many many posters have posted that it can work. Note that Vernazza is the most desirable town. Many, many of the places to stay in the CT are small and do not have websites. Even slightly larger places don't have websites. No outside advertising except what you may read in the travel books or on When the train arrives in the towns, there are sweet grandma-type ladies who often frequent the train stations ready to escort you to a nice room. Posters report scoring great little rooms. Or, everybody knows everybody else. Stop in a shop and ask for a room. They know how to get you to one. It may be a relative. Also, these may be cash only but.... Last hint. Go early. Rooms will be gone by mid-day and the grandmas will be heading for lunch. There is still the room agency that may be able to find a room.

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791 posts

We've been going to Vernazza pretty regularly for about 10 years now. I've never once made a reservation and have found a room every time.