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Florence to Siena and back: bus or train

We're thinking of a day trip from Florence to Siena tomorrow, Monday 13 October (rain predictions interfere with our prior plans). There are many recommendations to take the bus as it's about the same amount of time as the train but let's you off in the center of Siena.

I can't find a current bus schedule that seems useful. Links in forum posts are generally broken or don't have buses at appropriate times. We'd like to leave Florence around 9:00am or a bit later and be back in Florence by 5:00pm.

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11613 posts

The bus station is next to the train station (on your right as you exit the front of the station), in case you have to check in person.

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8162 posts

The buses line up to the right of McDonalds--across the street from the side door of the train station. You'll find a bus that will carry you to downtown Siena. It beats the train that takes longer and drops you on the outskirts of town--where you'll have to get a local bus to take you downtown.