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Florence to Orvieto by train

Hi all . Am planning to travel from Florence to Orvieto via train . looks like it’s a minimum 2hr 40 mins train … one option is many stops along the way and then a bus transfer to Orvieto Centro.
The other option is the fast train ( Italo) to Rome and then back north to Orvieto .
Which is the best way ?
Also … is there a difference between Orvieto and Orvieto Centro ?
Last crazy idea … is a bus trip a long winded way ?
Many thanks for your help .

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Most direct trains are Regionale Veloce, something in the 2h 10min to 2h 30min bracket.
A faster alternative are Intercity trains, about 1h 50min, but leaving from the periferic stations of Rifredi or Campo di Marte (easily reachable by hopping on a local train for a single stop).
A few options involve a change between regionale trains.
The only way to see the complete offer is a search to trenitalia.

Orvieto station is down the valley, the city itself is up a hill. You reach top of the hill by a funicular railway; when you see Orvieto centro it means they are selling also the funicular ticket, that can be anyway bought on the spot with little trouble.

Going to Rome and back would be absolute overkill.