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Florence - Siena Bus

The bus stop location for this route (131R) has changed in Florence. It no longer arrives/departs Florence from the Autostazione near the Florence (Firenze) SM Novella train station. It now departs Florence from the Vittoria Veneto Bus Stop. The easiest way to get there from the train station is to take Tram 1 to the Porta al Prato Leaopolda stop. It is the first tram stop after the train station. From there, you can see the bus stop; it is just a one-minute walk. Tickets may be purchased at the stop. If you are coming from Siena the bus drops you off at the Porta al Prato Leaopolda tram stop. The ticket for the bus is good for the Tram. The website/app for the bus is "". Once on the site go to "lines and timetables" and type in route 131R. Unfortunately, it still shows Autostazione for arrival and departure, but the times are correct.

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3812 posts

The bus stop location for this route (131R) has changed in Florence...

...until the Schools reopen. Even before if the roadworks in via Orti Oricellari have been completed.