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Florence Question: Is entering Via Il Prato count as entering the ZTL?

I have seen many places online that recommend entering Via Il Prato (after a right turn from Viale Fratlli Rosselli) to continue to reach the car rental places on Borgo Orggnissanti. However, there is clearly a ZTL sign at the entrance of Via il Prato. What am I missing here? I do recognizes there are NO Cameras around the sign at all. So does that mean you can enter there? But what about the sign, what it is the to indicate then..... Thank you for the Help

The sign can be seen at this link here,11.2400616,3a,75y,111.75h,86.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sqAZDTxOCrTVtJ74GZ5GsAg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192

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3812 posts

It indicates that if you drive past that sign and a cop sees you, you'll be fined in the good old fashioned way.

A ZTL is an area where only residents can drive in, not a camera controlled area where Only residents can drive in.

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1653 posts

Il Prato is in the ZTL area, but as the sign states, the itinerary Il Prato - via Curtatone - Lungarno Vespucci is allowed. So you can enter; you cannot enter other streets in the area (e.g. via Magenta, via Solferino); they are not controlled by cameras, but controls on parked cars are frequent.

Please note that in ordinary times, there is a ZTL camera at the Vespucci bridge, half way of Lungarno Vespucci. At present the bridge is closed for maintenance and the camera is turned off, but it won't last forever.