Hello I am staying in Florence or two days in September we are travelling round Italy and this is out 3rd stop, as we want to go to Piza on the 2nd day, i am thinking i do not need the florence pass for all the Museums, could you let me know if there is a travel card or some sort of pass which gets me into Some florence museums or would it just be cheaper to pay or the ones I want to see, also can I have some help with Piza?? How often do the trains run and how much do they cost. Regards Kitty
For train fares and travel times in Italy, go to Trenitalia.com.
Thanks for the train info do you have any info on the best pass for Florence is there any 2 day travel card I can buy?
I believe the city you wish to visit is Pisa and not Piza. There are at least 30 trains a day from Florence to Pisa. The are all Regionale class trains (the locals). You cannot buy tickets in advance for these trains. No pass or card either. Trip takes about 60-70 minutes. Fare is 7.80Euro each way. Just buy your ticket, validate it at the little yellow or blue/gray box, get on and find your own seat. No seat reservations permitted on the Regionale trains. These trains cannot be sold out. They can be crowded because you can stand but, like the tube in London, if you can fit through the door, you can get on. However, for your trip to Pisa, the train originates in Florence. Get there 15 minutes early and its usually a fairly empty train. Besides, they don't fill up anyway - I was just explaining the rules for riding one.
Thanks larry!! Dont suppose you have been to Rome, its our next stop and I need to buy the Roma Pass, can I buy it at the Train termini also, would you recommend the HO/HO Buses, to get my bearings. Kitty
You've asked your Rome/HOHO question under another thread that you started.