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Florence observation questions

Just returned from a wonderful trip to Italy that included a quick stop in Florence. I read through this message board leading up to the trip and gleaned a lot of useful advice to help me prepare and what to expect. So, I am asking these questions mainly out of curiosity and to see what other traveler’s experiences were.

I did not reserve tickets online for the Accademia in time (my mistake) and had to wait in line in get in. The wait was not bad at all, but I did notice a few people selling tickets on the street to the reservation line for only the cost of entry and the reservation fee. It seemed that the visitors who bought from them had no problems getting in to the faster line. I am curious if anyone knows the legitimacy behind these tickets.

My husband and I were approached separately by a couple African American men dressed in colorful clothing while we were walking in the street, asking us where we were from, etc. I was on my guard since they were a little too friendly to us. I saw the same men approaching other tourists as well and were being overly friendly. Any ideas on who they were? I can’t imagine they were walking the streets to meet people and make friends.

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16212 posts

Q1. If the buyers were able to get in, I guess the tickets were legitimate and not forged.

Q2. Did the 2 African Americans looked like these two? They were actually African (so called) refugees shopping at Luis Vuitton and Prada using refugee funds provided by Italian taxpayers. Sad!

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5667 posts

"Q2. Did the 2 African Americans looked like these two? They were actually African (so called) refugees shopping at Luis Vuitton and Prada using refugee funds provided by Italian taxpayers. Sad!"

Lol. I saw that on another site a few days ago. So funny. And so troubling at the same time.

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16212 posts

That was a joke somebody played on Twitter.
Lots of Italians fell for it.
They were outraged that 'those migrants' were using their tax payers' money to go to Luis Vuitton.

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5667 posts

Yes, Roberto. That's why I found it amusing - that these 2 well known American celebrities (although, perhaps in Italy, Magic isn't as well known) would be mistaken for "migrants". At the same time troubling that any man of colour would automatically be assumed to be a "migrant".

Unfortunately, Italians are not alone in making unwarranted assumptions based only on appearance.

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11839 posts

We had friendly immigrants from Africa approach us many times when we lived in Roma. As soon as they heard English they would chat us up and yes, they were looking for a handout. More aggressive than the guys who simply stand in front of a bar holding a hat.

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8216 posts

For the benefit of others, we went to the Uffizi ticket office early in our day (I believe the Accademia has a similar system) and bought tickets for a reserved time later in the same day, basically skipping the "wait" line which was looong. This was in February, and oddly we could have gotten tickets for entry within a half hour (Line was easily an hour or more) but we picked a time after lunch.

As for the friendly gentlemen, I try to be non judgmental, but in many encounters, I have rarely found anyone approaching me on the street to engage in conversation to have anything but an ulterior motive. Sitting at a cafe or restaurant, on a train, in a museum, a pub, anyplace you are spending money, never a problem talking to strangers, and often a good experience.