No recommendations but just a warning that in Europe don't take for granted you stay in any hotel with a child under 2 and have it never cost extra like it is in the US.
Since you make no mention of a 3rd bed or need for a cot/crib so will be co-sleeping in 1 bed.
I think if you need a 3rd bed or even a cot/crib which is usually not free it will make your budget extremely difficult, the smallest/cheapest rooms sometimes lack the physical space for one and they just won't do it unless you upgrade to a larger more expensive room.
The average bed is smaller than US hotels though, instead of a US Queen the normal bed is a US Double so 3 in a bed is tight and you may run into a hotel that will charge you for them staying so I would definitely double check.
I believe your party on a hotel booking site is considered a party of 3 which is why it is a challenge. You would want to research prices based on a party of 2 and then before making a booking email directly the hotel and confirm with them if you book as 2 and bring your 18 month old that it will not be a problem or any extra fees.
Italians love babies and will treat you and your 18 month year old amazingly well, so nothing to fear there just trying to make it work on a budget could be hard. Most all hotels include a nice breakfast so compare that to hotel costs in US cities where in cities breakfast is almost never included and I think you will find your 100 euro per night budget is on the low side.